Ethan Shotts
Hometown : Eglin AFB, FL
PDGA # : 212593
January 2025 PDGA Rating : 921
I've played for : 3+
Manufacturer Sponsor : Upper Park Disc Golf (Ambassador Team)
Division : MA2 / MA1
"Who introduced me to the sport of Disc Golf?
Tanner Carizey #182339"
"What is your biggest Disc Golf accomplishment? Your most proud moment in the sport?
My first MA2 win. I was playing the course blind, it was my first time playing in MA2, and it was my first 1000+ rated round (1006)."
"Whats your favorite disc color to throw?
Blue! It's my favorite color and is scientifically proven to have a calming effect on people; perfect for disc golf competitors!"
"What weight drivers do you like to throw?
165-175. Different weights for different purpose discs"
"What one disc do you throw the farthest? Pure distance
Fission Timelapse"
"What do you putt with?
Electron Envy"
"What course did you fall in love with Disc Golf on?
Handyman in Fairborn, OH!"
"Whats the Tournament you circle on the calendar 1st as a cant miss?
Aviation Heritage Memorial in Enterprise, AL; the course is SO fun and challenging!"
"In one sentence or less, tell us one interesting thing about you not disc golf related?
I'm a background extra in Avengers: Endgame (frame 1:39:36 nearest the camera)"
"Tell us about your Tournament Day routine and if you carry any lucky charms?
I show 30-45 minutes early and depending on where I park and my starting hole, I'll warm up putts then throw some control backhand and forehand shots with putters, mids, and approach discs to feel out my throws before the round starts."
"When you play a new course for a tournament what is your plan of action. Play it blind, walk some holes, get the details from a card mate? Tell us how you attack a new course.
If I'm playing blind, I'll typically review the layout on UDisc and walk-through a few holes on the way to my starting hole to get my bearing. If card mates offer to guide me during the round, I'll take their guidance into consideration, but I ultimately trust my gut on disc selections and shot-shapes to achieve my desired end result."